HVAC Social Media Marketing – 20 Best Practices to Know

HVAC social media marketing is an important part of your marketing plan and is a great way of promoting your products and services. Social media marketing is a digital tool that you can use to spread awareness for your brand and broaden your audience so that you can reach a wider net of potential customers.

Read along as we discuss the main benefits of how HVAC social media marketing can help your business and reach your goals. We will also discuss the top 20 strategies and approaches that you can use.

What Is HVAC Social Media Marketing?

HVAC social media marketing encompasses all social media websites that encourage postings and interactions. This list includes Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Nowadays, people have social media accessibility on their phones which makes it a super convenient way that HVAC businesses can interact with customers and potential clients.

Why It Is Important To Set A Social Media Strategy?

The HVAC industry has gained tremendous growth within the last few years, with a market value of $13.8 Billion and a projected growth of up to a 3.9% rise in revenue between 2020 and 2030. All industries that are experiencing tremendous growth have to adapt to their competition and tap into modern technology. An important part of conforming their marketing strategies to accommodate the growth includes social media marketing strategies.

Nowadays, consumers turn to the internet to research finding the best HVAC Company that they can use in their area. If your HVAC business does not have an online or social media presence, consumers will tend to skip over to you and opt for companies that are more digitally engaged.

Which Are The Best Platforms For HVAC Businesses?

There are a handful of social media platforms that you can use for HVAC social media marketing, which include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and TikTok. As of January 2022, there are 3.96 billion social media users across all platforms which is a significant audience.

When choosing the best platform for your business, you have to look into what your goals are and what type of audience you want to reach. You are not restricted to using a single platform, it is recommended to employ the use of different social media platforms for optimum exposure.

The rule of thumb in using a social media platform for HVAC businesses is to have an assigned person respond to comments and inquiries that might arise. The main advantage of social media is to encourage interaction among users. With this in mind, there should always be a quick response when there are messages or inquiries about your business. This ensures a high engagement level between you and your customers.

How To Improve Your HVAC Social Media Marketing Campaign?

Analyzing data is important especially when you are trying to improve your social media marketing plan. You can track how users interact with the content and what posts and topics are more popular compared to other ones. The tracking information that you get, can help shape and alter future marketing campaigns to get the maximum impact.

The use of analytics can also help you understand the growth of your social media presence. This will give you a better understanding of what techniques work and what needs improvement. One of the main advantages of social media marketing is that you can easily fine-tune it because it is user-friendly and have high accessibility.

Now that we have discussed the importance of HVAC social media marketing, here are the top 20 strategies that you can use to boost your brand awareness online.

Best 20 Strategies And Approaches For HVAC Social Media Marketing

1. Make your website mobile-friendly

A lot of people have their mobile phones with them at all times which is why your website must be also mobile-friendly. By creating a mobile-friendly website, your customers will be able to look up your website on their phones and have an optimized experience instead of trying to navigate your full website on the small screens. It will also let prospective customers find the information easily.

2. Set goals for your HVAC Social Media Marketing

Having an HVAC social media marketing plan is important but it has to be tied to your marketing plan goals. Simply put, your social media marketing strategy should be aligned with your marketing plan. Setting goals should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound).

The beginning of the year is a good starting point to create marketing goals that are either short-term or long-term that can be met throughout the year. Setting regular check-in points throughout the timeframe is also beneficial so that you can check to see if you are on track. This would also enable adjustments regarding specific items that are not working in order to achieve success.

3. Curate a content strategy

Producing quality content is essential so that your customers and potential clients can benefit from it. Quality is always better than quantity because if you have a lot of fluff in your content, you will lose the attention of your audience.

By having great quality posts and content, your clients will be able to get obtain much-needed value. Content encompasses a lot of different mediums which include blogs, articles, and videos. You can tie all these mediums together by having a content strategy under the same company branding so nothing is out of place and is cohesive.

4. Promote audience engagement

One of the main advantages of social media is that it enables audience engagement sometimes in real-time. If you are posting a blog, you can ask the online community for thoughts and feedback and engage your audience that way. You can also promote online comments and user interactions through Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

5. Use social media paid ads

Social media paid ads are new and innovative tools that HVAC companies use to further cement their foothold on different social media platforms. This essentially works the same way as Pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Paid social media advertising is one that the platform’s algorithms promote and have a higher tendency to show up on target people’s feeds.

Social media ads will give your business visibility and brand awareness. It can also provide valuable insights from the market and your target audience. Paid social ads can be seen from the top of the feeds of relevant and target audiences who might be looking for your products.

6. Figure out the best platforms

With a plethora of social media platforms that are available out there, you have to pinpoint the best ones that work best for your HVAC business and your marketing plan goals. Some businesses tend to be present on all platforms but this is like casting a wide net hoping to get a catch. By concentrating your efforts on a limited number of platforms, you can spend marketing dollars wisely and focus on the ones that can benefit your business more.

Having a social media presence is not enough.  You should be able to curate optimal content so that your audience can see the value added of your business.

7. Take advantage of live streaming

Livestreaming is a newer concept that is introduced through social media so that your followers can keep up with you in real-time. You can capitalize on this by showing streams of actual work that your business has completed. This enables your viewers and followers to have a front-row seat to what you have to offer.

8. Create engaging content and post consistently

Engaging content will hold your audience’s attention and capture it. This results to a call to action whether it involves contacting your company for more information or booking an appointment. You can measure engagement through tracking and data analytics.

There is nothing worse than having content that is outdated on your website and social media platforms. When something is outdated, consumers tend to ask if the business is still around. You can schedule posts consistently and upload them on a regular timeline so that it is staggered and fresh content is uploaded promptly.

9. Use high-quality visuals

With social media postings, you have to use high-quality visuals to break down a wall of text as opposed to just having article postings. By using pictures and other graphics, you will be able to hold your audience’s attention more and it will create a buzz around what you are posting. 

10. Utilize hashtags

When you use hashtags, customers and views will be able to pull up your content under specific hashtags. This enables higher visibility of your posts and people can find what you are posting through different hashtags that they are looking for. Make hashtags creative and fun so that it leaves a lasting impression on your users.

11. Implement a response plan to direct messages

When users send direct messages through social media platforms, it is essential to have a response plan in place. Your company’s response timeline should be from a few hours to 24 hours at the most. This ensures that all questions or inquiries will be answered promptly. If you don’t have a timeframe for answering questions, some of them might fall under the cracks and be left unread which leaves a negative impression.

12. Solicit reviews from satisfied customers

The power of positive reviews is immeasurable, especially when potential customers are looking for an HVAC company. There is a total of 92% of B2B buyers are more likely to purchase after reading a positive review. Soliciting reviews, especially from satisfied customers should be part of the ending part of the sales process once your business has delivered the product and services needed.

13. Embed social media links in all digital marketing materials

For higher visibility of your HVAC’s social media accounts, you should embed all the links to all digital marketing materials such as blogs, websites, and your social media profile page. This enables users to see it right away and not have a hard time finding the link to get straight to your business profile.

14. Highlight milestones and events

Business owners take pride in their business. By highlighting milestones and important events, your customers will be able to relate to your business in another level. This enables customers to celebrate with you and be part of important events within your businesses. 

15. Host giveaways and exclusive content

Giveaways and posting exclusive content are essential because it increases audience awareness and engagement. This also enables your customers to interact with the business in a positive light because you are hosting giveaways or exclusive discounts to reward loyal customers and get new customers. 

16. Utilize data tracking and analytics tools

Having social media accounts is not the end goal when it comes to HVAC social media marketing. You should be able to track and analyze data for engagement purposes. By analyzing data, you can tweak your marketing plan and eliminate tools that are not working. This can also bring awareness to what strategies are working and should be strongly implemented. 

17. Post pictures of HVAC business

Posts and content should not be limited to articles and blogs. You can also post pictures of your business in action while helping customers or installing systems. Your HVAC social media marketing plan should include constantly updating pictures of the business so that your customers and followers will know what you are up to.

18. Produce informational videos

Content should not only be limited to company information but it should also include informational videos about heating and cooling . You can earn customers’ trust by being an advisor and informant of different industry trends. By using informational videos through HVAC social media marketing, you can set yourself apart from the competition by curating content that will bring you to light as a trusted advisor.

19. Cross promotional with power partners

HVAC companies can partner with HVAC Contractors, electricians, and plumbing companies for cross-promotional content. By doing this, the different businesses can exchange leads and referrals which will enable each business to gain more leads and customers.

20. Learn that HVAC social media trends can change

When you think about your company’s original HVAC social media marketing plan or Grow HVAC Business , you will realize that it can change constantly because social media trends tend to ebb and flow. When social media trends change, you should also adopt these changes to your plans and create a plan to incorporate changes.