Fashion Digital Marketing: 13 Ideas to Market Your Brand

Want to get your fashion brand out there? Digital marketing for fashion brands is perhaps the most important and effective form of marketing there is, with the massive prevalence of social media’s fantastic influence, and the endless opportunities for you to forge ahead in brand awareness, engagement, and – most importantly – sales. So, how do you make the very best of what digital marketing has to offer?

1. Be Consistent

Have a consistent look, feel, and tone across all your social media platforms so you are instantly recognizable as a fashion brand. Try to use a palette of similar colors and incorporate cohesive headings and captions. When you post on Instagram, you can simultaneously post on Facebook, too, but you can homogenize your posts across all social media platforms – Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram – to create a look that’s unique to your brand. This digital marketing strategy will help to create brand value for the consumer.

2. Plan a Social Media Calendar

Keep your posts fresh and avoid repetition. Why not devise a social media calendar, planning a month or two in advance what your posts will be and when, to ensure you have a variety of content, evenly spaced out? Make sure you include a call to action in each post!

3. Get an Influencer on Side

Gone are the days when only celebrities and models had influence over the fashion-buying public. These days, anyone can become a star on, say, Instagram or Twitter, and the sky’s the limit to their number of followers. Influencers could be a great asset to you; style-setters posting about fashion, making entertaining videos about shopping ‘hauls’, and photographing themselves in new outfits, could be highlighting you and your designs.

4. Harness new customers

Digital marketing for fashion brands is all about being noticed! ‘First Looks’ live videos are said to generate 1200% more engagement than photographs and text – use them to reel your potential customers in!

5. Write a blog

Content, content, content…. These days, there’s a huge appetite for stories, commentary, ideas, and inspiration so make sure you’re part of the content revolution by running a brilliant blog! Find content for your fashion brand.

A well-written blog with great, eye-catching photographs, where you write about fashion trends, your new pieces, and their inspiration, is a great way to increase interest and engagement. Don’t forget to link to your blog on all your social media posts.

6. Run giveaways

Competitions always pique interest, and you can gain plenty of likes and follows by running one on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok. Make the prize attractive and the competition entry requirements easy and fun and you can’t go wrong. Copy onto your Story, too, and shout about it across all your platform to generate excitement. It is a very exciting and engaging digital marketing strategy. You can run your giveaway over a series of days, or the weekend, to gain maximum exposure.

7. Open an Instagram shop

Not only is a fashion website vitally important, but creating an Instagram shop so you sell directly on the platform is also a highly effective idea. Users can click straight through from your post to your shop and make their purchases there. Instagram shop management is an important digital marketing strategy for fashion brands.

8. Use beautiful packaging

Buyers go crazy over lovely packaging – ribbons, tissue paper, cute little thank you notes – so consider incorporating it into your business and making it a feature of your social media posts. You can film ‘unwrapping’ videos or encourage influencers to do the same by sending them a gift in gorgeous packaging to open on camera. Hopefully, you’ll have users salivating over your gorgeous packaging, then rushing to buy from your brand so they can unwrap your pretty parcels, too!

9. Gift Guides

Seasonal times and special occasions can be great opportunities for you to showcase your designs and your fashion. Create photo shoots around occasions such as Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Mother’s Day, styling your clothes and accessories in flat lays, or using models, and encourage social media users to consider you in solving their gift and holiday present dilemmas! Make sure you have clear click-throughs to the correct landing page on your website and really go to town on your holiday or special occasion themes!

10. The perfect website

Your fashion website needs to be slick, stylish, and user-friendly, with great photos and engaging copy. Have links from all your social media activity taking you straight there and making it a destination worth arriving at – it’s your ‘shopfront’, after all! You can also check which social media platforms give you the most click-throughs to your website, so you know what is working best for you on which platform.

If You don’t have a perfect fashion website, then Contact us, we will help you to design a fashion website.

11. Style guides

Another great weapon in your armory when you’re marketing your fashion brand online is to create social media posts based on style guides. These can be flat lays, or videos using models, fashion vlogs, grouping together clothing and accessories that work together to create a certain style, or to suit a particular occasion or time of year.

12. Target potential customers with ads

Facebook ads are a very popular way to advertise your fashion brand name. This digital marketing strategy will be helpful to fashion brands to increase overall traffic and brand visibility. You can create ads in Facebook Ads Manager and tailor them to your desired audience, using ‘lookalike’ audiences, too, which share similar characteristics.

13. Start conversations

Social media is great for getting people talking, so make sure you’re always starting conversations! Post a superlative photograph of one of your best-selling items and say ‘Do you own this from our brand? Where have you worn it?’ and start an engaging dialogue that will attract other customers. Conversations lead to sales! This is the last and best digital marketing strategy for a fashion brand.


Digital marketing for fashion brands is a great tool for you to showcase what it is you do best and get your brand out there to exactly the right customers. Used effectively, it is an exciting opportunity to reach and engage prospective customers and really put you on the fashion map!